Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello there parents and students. Wow! Can you believe it is already February? I can't. I don't know where time goes anymore. Anyhow, be looking for a progress report to be coming home tomorrow- Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. We haven't sent one home with the students in awhile, so be sure to go over it with your child, so you can see that he/she is staying caught up.
You probably noticed a D.A.R.E letter and permission slip that came home with your child on Monday. If you are going to allow your child to be in the D.A.R.E program, please have that letter signed and returned to school by next Monday, Feb. 7th. If you are not wanting your child to attend the program then please indicate that you don't want him/her to attend on the letter. We will have D.A.R.E every Monday at 9:00, until the middle of April. It should be a lot of fun and a great learning experience.
We are going to try to have our Winter Survival activity this Friday, however, we cannot do it without snow, so if there is not any snow left on the ground Friday, Feb., 4th, we will postpone it until the next snow day. We will be sure to give you a days notice, so that the students are ready for it. This activity is a lot of fun. The students get to learn about hypothermia, what to do if they get lost, and how to make survival kits. Then for a fun activity, we have some dog-sled races ( the students are the dogs ) for a fun little physical activity. We have always had a lot of fun with this activity. We go over to Cedar Highs Soccer field to do it, so if you want to come and join us and help out with the fun, let me know. I would love to have anyone who would like to come. Like I said, it is supposed to be this Friday, but if there is no snow, it will be on the next snow day that we have.
We are moving into Static and Current electricity in science and we will be having a guest speaker coming into give us a Power Presentation on Monday, Feb. 7th. It is always important to learn how to be safe around electricity.
I hope all of you received your child's spelling list for our big Spelling Bee this year. If not, let me know, and I will see what I can do to get you a new one. The Spelling Bee will be on April 1st, and that day will be here before you know it, so get studying those words kids, so you're ready....
The Science Fair will be here before we know it, as well. I hope you have ideas in your heads and you're starting those experiments, so you have the time to test them out. The Science Fair will be on March 25th. Letter will be sent home at the end of Feb., so be looking for more information. By the way, fifth grade students are required to do a Project this year.
I will be sure to keep you all up-dated when all these big activities get closer to being due, so just keep reading the blog.
Thanks for all of your help. Sincerely, Mrs. Little

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