Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am so sorry parents for not taking the time to up-date my blog. I have been so busy that I have, honestly just forgot about it. Anyhow, I hope all of you are doing good and are ready for this last quarter.
You should have received a progress report today. It is the first progress report for fourth quarter. Please, please, please check to see if your child has anything missing. If he/she does make sure they get those items in before the next print out, or they will become no make-ups. This means they will never get to make the assignment up.
In the next two weeks we have our Spelling Bee, our D.A.R.E graduation, the Regional Science Fair, for those students who made it, and Easter Break to look forward to. The Spelling Bee will be this Friday, April 1st at 2:45. On Friday, April 15th at 2:00 will be our D.A.R.E graduation. Starting Wed., April 20th-24th will be our Spring Break. I think we are all looking forward to a little bit of a break.
When students get back from their East Break, they will jump right into their end of level testing, so please make sure that your child is here daily, so they don't miss their end of levels.
Thank you so much for helping your child do his/her U-Tips review at home. We really try to get to the computer lab when we can and it isn't that often, so the more they can do at home, the better off he/she will be.
In each of our subjects right now, with the exception of S.S. and Science, we are doing review for end of levels. We have 3 more weeks of Science and then we will start reviewing for science, so if your child is wondering what U-Tips test to take first, have them do the Language, then Science that we have already done and then the math.
Thanks again for all you do to help me out with your child. It's been a great year, because of all of you parents. Sincerely, Mrs. Little

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